A Quick Review of AEW Late Night Dynamite 9/22/20

  • Scorpio Sky defeated Ben Carter via TKO

HIGHLIGHT OF THE NIGHT, but it was close between this and the main event. Even better than Carter’s match with Lee Johnson on Dark. No heel/babyface dynamic, but Carter was kind of the underdog based on his experience. He more than held his own here.

  • Anna Jay defeated Brandi Rhodes via Queenslayer Choke

Not bad. Brandi didn’t have her entourage or her action figures with her, so she looked serious. Seems like she’s not doing that heel turn after all. Nothing spectacular happened in this match, but they didn’t botch anything, either. There’s only so high my interest in this feud can reach considering both girls’ experience levels. Stu Grayson tried to interfere, but Evil Uno held him back, and the distraction they caused almost cost Jay the match, but she was able to come back with the choke to make Brandi pass out.

I do hope Jay gets to work with more experienced wrestlers soon so that she can progress.

  • Sean Spears w/ Tully Blanchard defeated Matt Sydal via C4

Sydal looks good. Spears was more interesting against a guy who means something than the countless jobbers he’s been beating on Dark. As expected, Tully slipped spears the metal bit to put into his glove, but unlike most of Spears’ matches since getting the glove, it happened during the match instead of after it. Sydal was able to avoid it once or twice, but he eventually got hit and put down with Spears’ version of the DVD. After the match, Spears was going to do more, but Scorpio Sky chased him off.

There was also a Scorpio Sky interview in the middle of the show where Sydal showed up and some cheesy stuff was said. Not nearly as cringe-y as the backstage stuff from the Deadly Draw Tournament, though.

There were also a few video packages to hype Wednesday’s show.

Overall, a good hour of wrestling, I thought. More like what Dark should be.

A Quick Review of AEW Dark 9/22/20

I’ve been busy this week, so I’m going to be late watching all of these shows.

But this one will be easy because I only watched one match in full.

  • Ben Carter defeated Lee Johnson via Frog Splash

Very good match. They told the story of these two guys being fairly equal, even having them hitting the same moves on each other. I really liked the story of the finish. Johnson hit a big move and got a nearfall, then wasted time fretting over it instead of keeping on his man. A short time later, Carter hit two big moves, but when Johnson kicked out of the cover, Carter didn’t wallow in his futility. He immediately jumped up top and hit a Frog Splash to finish Lee off. So both guys were evenly matched, but Carter was the one who had the focus to finish things when he had the chance.

Beyond that, I saw that Serena Deeb got a win in a shorter match than I expected, and Eddie Kingston wore a Bo Jackson Royals jersey during the Butcher and Blade match and the Lucha Bros match. Then he beat Brian Pillman Jr. without it.